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Welcome, great to have you here!
We are excited to have you experience this FREE video on demand learning session of how your emotions and mindset affect your levels of success and wellbeing. Enjoy!
Juicy areas of human behaviour this 12 minute video covers includes:
  • Understanding why you have emotions and facial expressions and why recognsing them is critical in understanding yourself and others
  • Understanding baseline and soothing behaviours
  • Neuroscience and mindset, strategies to manage your unhelpful emotions and thoughts
  • Emotional intelligence and taming your stone age mind to make better decisions and achieve better outcomes
  • Mindfulness and a simple model to help you refocus your thoughts and behaviour for better outcomes

The skills you’ll learn are are transferable to a range of professional, social and personal contexts, such as in business meetings, interviews, presentations, audits and investigations, sales, negotiations, recruitment, and influencing people and situations to name a few.

Transformational learning and personal development has never been so fascinating!

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