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About me

Sharon Box    B.Bus ESaC ETaC

Founder and Owner – Mind Hush Group

I am a behavioural analyst, communications specialist, business strategist and educator with many years’ experience in various small and large organisations across the private and public sector.

With extensive experience across Australia, Asia, UK, Europe, USA, and the Middle East, I bring a wealth of knowledge, best practice application and strategic insights to internal and external communications, training and assessment requirements, stakeholder relationships, the development and nurturing of human capital assets, marketing and business strategy. I support business objectives across these focal areas to meet the diverse and evolving needs of a workplace and labour force.

My diverse industry background spans engineering, quality assurance, energy, oil and gas, mining and resources, construction, real estate and property development, professional services, financial services, education, e-commerce, and more, which positions me as an asset with many transferrable skills that can be utilised across these sectors and others.

Behavioural Science

I undertook international training in Singapore and became a Certified Practitioner in Emotional Skills and Competencies (ESaC) and Evaluating Truthfulness and Credibility (ETaC), including reading micro expressions, through the scientific methodologies and teachings of Dr Paul Ekman. I then went on to successfully complete the Ekman Associate Program via the UK and from September 2020 to February 2022 was a licensed Ekman Associate.

I have received specialised training in the cutting-edge behavioural science methodologies of Dr Paul Ekman, renowned psychologist, researcher and the world’s foremost expert in facial expressions and deception detection and I continually undertake study and industry training to keep up to date with the latest developments in the fields of psychology, sociology and neuroscience.

See some of my previous and most notable speaking engagements here.


As a corporate communications, business and marketing strategist, I have a Bachelor of Business Degree and extensive commercial experience in corporate communications, marketing strategy, business improvement, organisational development, behavioural psychology and behavioural economics for organisations across the private and public/government sector.

With extensive international business experience in Australasian, Asian, Middle Eastern and UK/European markets, I’ve worked across a diverse spectrum of industries and have also had the unique experience of working alongside numerous government embassies and trade offices around the globe.

Degrees, Certifications and Awards

  • Bachelor of Business Degree with Honours Award (Double major in Marketing & E- Commerce), Edith Cowan University, Perth, Western Australia;
  • Ekman Associate Program (Behavioural Science), Paul Ekman International;
  • Certified in Emotional Skills and Competencies (ESaC), Paul Ekman International;
  • Certified in Evaluating Truthfulness and Credibility (ETaC), Paul Ekman International;
  • Certified in reading facial micro expressions and subtle expressions; Paul Ekman Group;
  • Honours Award for scholastic excellence and achievement, Edith Cowan University;
  • Member of the National Golden Key Society, Edith Cowan University.

Some interesting facts about me

  • I’m an adventurous risk taker, traveller and explorer and having travelled extensively across the globe, rank travelling across Australia on the back of a motorcycle, trekking along the Great Wall of China, riding a bicycle around Shinjuku in Tokyo, touring the Korean Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) between North and South Korea and exploring glaciers in Iceland as some of my most memorable moments.
  • I also love designing jewellery and are a passionate photographer and explorer, always on the lookout to capture images and videos of the environment with a love of landscapes, nature and architecture.

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