Give yourself a personal and competitive advantage with science based behavioural training and behaviour analysis. More focussed and strategic people reading skills will enable you to recognise and have a more informed understanding of facial expressions, concealed emotions, emotional triggers, body language, soothing behaviours and baseline behaviour, as well as the skills to decode mixed messages and evaluating the truth and credibility of information communicated to you, with more focus and accuracy.
These skills are are transferable to a range of professional, social and personal contexts, such as in business meetings, interviews, presentations, audits and investigations, sales, negotiations, recruitment, and influencing people and situations to name a few.
I provide tailored consultancy and training solutions across a range of workplace areas including, but not limited to:
- Reading and managing emotions
- Decoding facial expressions, body language and behaviour
- Evaluating the truth and credibility of information
- Persuasive communication and how to influence others
- Increasing likeability, credibility and trustworthiness
- Neuroscience and how the brain functions and affects behaviour
- A range of leadership topics including communicating with clarity and impact, strategic and critical thinking, negotiation and conflict resolution, ethical and inclusive leadership, the neuroscience of success and performance, managing risk and challenge, working in teams, creating psychological safety and building resilience and a growth mindset.