How lying changes your brain – explainer
SBS, The Feed
A fantastic experience to be interviewed by Virginia Langeberg and be a guest on the multi Walkley award-winning program, ‘The Feed’ on Special Broadcasting Service (SBS) Australia discussing the effects lying can have on our brains and body.
Source: SBS
First published 8/6/2022.
Click the image to watch or click here.
Behaving badly, Scomo and Albo head-to-head
Today Extra, Channel Nine
A fun interview on the popular Today Extra program on Channel Nine, chatting with David Campbell and Belinda Russell about the fiery behaviour of the two major political party leaders in the first Political Leaders Debate.
Source: Channel Nine Network. Screened on 8/5/2022.
Click the image to watch or click here.
Cutting through the political spin
Chris Smith Tonight Program, Sky News
Delighted to be interviewed by Caleb Bond, Sky News chatting about deceptive behaviour and providing some observations and behavioural analysis on behaviour from the two key political leaders as they head into the Federal election.
Screened on 17/4/2022.